
Hair Loss In Men

Hair Loss in Men

hair loss in men

What are the reasons a man loses his hair? In some cases, baldness which occurs naturally in men is genetically inherent in families. Because baldness occurs naturally, most men have to contend with the loss of hair at some point. It is false to assume that men lose hair as a sign of growing older.

Today, unlike years ago, men can have their hair replaced using three specific methods.
One is taking a hair loss product such as Propecia, which has been FDA approved. Having surgery to replace the hair is option number two, and option three is to buy and wear a hairpiece. Propecia seems to be the hair loss treatment of choice, but it is not for everyone. There are reports of sexual side effects with this drug.

During surgery, portions of scalp would be shifted or plugs of hair would be transplanted. Be aware that infections may occur. The final option, buying a hairpiece, is definitely viable; especially these days when hairpieces have been made increasingly natural and accessible by advanced technology.

In addition to heredity, loss of hair can result from exposure to stress; alopecia areata; surgical procedures; chemotherapy treatments; poor nutrition; thyroid disease; certain medications; scalp ringworm; and chemical treatments.

A condition called alopecia areata causes the immune system to mistake the hair follicles for antibodies, so it shuts down. Patchy hair loss is generally a symptom of this condition.

It is estimated that men typically lose 50 to 100 hairs a day, which is part of the hair renewal process. For better or worse, many will experience hair loss at some time in their life. That kind of loss is often temporary, but other types are not. Frequently, balding is caused by a hormonal imbalance; this type of hair loss is typically represented by a bald spot that starts at the front of the scalp and proceeds back to the crown. To treat this condition, there are certain medications which can offer a hair loss remedy.

Hair loss can be traumatic for men, particularly if they are young. For some, the hair regrows; for others, they must make a decision on whether to use medication, have a surgical procedure, or purchase a hairpiece. While there are three options to remedy hair loss in men, it would be a good idea to research each method to determine the best course of action for you. Discuss them with your doctor, particularly if you are likely to use Propecia. Some men find baldness sexy but others are upset by receding hairlines and loss of hair. Luckily, options are available. We can be thankful for the fact that there are other options.

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